Plus Cuff

Plus Cuff

from $160.00

The Plus Cuff with the signature "Think Positive" mantra on one side, and a very powerful Mahatma Gandhi quote on the other:

Watch your thoughts for they become your words.

Watch your words for they become your actions.

Watch your actions for they become your habits.

Watch your habits for they become your character.

Watch your character for it becomes your destiny.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Think of your thoughts as actions - for every thought there is a consequence. Keeping an eye on your thoughts and making sure they are positive and life-affirming will multiply positive energy, and who doesn't want more good vibes!?

Made of Sterling Silver with oxidized details.

This Sterling Silver cuff design is adjustable, and sized for the average male (large) and average female (small) wrists. 

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